Crow’s Feet: What Is It & How to Get Rid of Crow’s Feet

 Some people are proud of their “laugh lines,” but when premature wrinkles start to betray our age, most begin wondering how to get rid of crow’s feet instead. The skin around your eyes is one of the first areas of the face to develop those fine lines, divots and creases we know and love oh so well—but is there anything we can do to prevent them? And if not, can anything be done to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet once the damage has already been done?

Unfortunately, wrinkling and aging is a natural part of life which can’t be avoided—but it can be delayed. Learning how to get rid of crow’s feet can be done, and we’ve compiled various crow’s feet treatments you can try, ranging from a natural acid to eye renewal cream, store-bought products to professional procedures. First, we’ll break down what causes crow’s feet so you’ll be better able to avoid them, then dive into advice on how to prevent crow’s feet altogether.

What Is “Crow’s Feet”?

Now, you may be wondering: what is “crow’s feet” and how does it develop? Well, look no further. Here, you can learn the basics of crow’s feet and how to better care for your skin.

Crow's feet around eye area

To start, crow’s feet are the thin lines that you begin to see form around your eyes, primarily the outer corners. You may be curious as to why they are called crow’s feet? When these fine lines form, they often appear as a crow’s foot on the outer corner of your eyes, hence “crow’s feet”.

According to American Society of Dermatologic Surgery there are two types of crow's feet to look for: dynamic lines and static facial lines.

  1. Dynamic lines are contributed with your underlying muscles. Therefore, every smile, frown, or facial expression you make contributes to your dynamic lines, as they are outlined around those expressions. This is the most common type of crow’s feet wrinkles because typically every person has them, and some may grumble about the stubborn ones on their forehead from squinting.
  2. Static facial lines are present all the time. This type of crow’s feet wrinkles develop from sun damage, squinting, or frowning for more extended periods.

One thing to note about these two is dynamic lines essentially ‘disappear’ after you stop making the facial expression, but static lines are long-lasting.

What Causes Crow’s Feet

Before learning how to get rid of crow’s feet, we first need to understand what causes wrinkles. By getting to the bottom of crow’s feet causes, you’ll be best equipped to prevent their formation and keep clear of those fine lines which radiate from the corners of your eyes. Sometimes these pesky wrinkles are known by the name of “laugh lines”, “expression lines”, or “character lines” because they’re caused, in part, by our habitual facial expressions.

But how do temporary muscle contractions when smiling or squinting result in permanent fine lines? Let’s take a look at the science behind wrinkle formation to understand.

Your skin is composed of three layers: the outermost epidermis, the inner dermis, and the subcutis beneath the skin. When we refer to “wrinkles”, we’re talking about the creases or depressions seen on the epidermis, but the real action goes on below the surface.

Woman looking at herself in the mirror with her hands at the side of her eyes.

The dermis is the main layer of skin that causes crow’s feet and wrinkles; it’s a complex combination of blood vessels, hair follicles, and sebaceous (oil) glands. More importantly, this layer is where you’ll find collagen and elastin—two essential proteins for preventing crow’s feet.

  • Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, made up of various amino acids. It’s found within connective tissue and is responsible for giving structure to the body’s skin, hair, nails, bones, ligaments, and tendons. Most importantly, it provides the skin cells’ strength and volume.
  • Elastin is another protein found within the dermis and connective tissue. It has an elastic property which enables skin cells to resume their shape and ‘snap back’ after being stretched, contracted, poked or pinched.


The subcutis (or bottom layer of skin) hosts sweat glands, loose connective tissue, and most importantly, fat. When this fatty layer is reduced, it can cause crow’s feet, wrinkling, and overall sagging.

Altogether, the three levels of the skin are made up of various components, including water, protein, lipids, minerals, chemicals, and enzymes. These elements are constantly in flux throughout the course of our lives—for better or worse. As we age, the biological changes within our skin cells are what cause crow’s feet and other wrinkled skin across our body. The genetic alterations that lead to crow’s feet include:

  1. Protein Breakdown
    Over time, our body loses its ability to produce and break down certain proteins, causing their presence to gradually shrink. Collagen typically accounts for 75% of the skin organ, but as this ratio decreases, our skin loses its support and suppleness. Collagen fibers supply the scaffolding to hold skin up, and an enzyme called collagenase (part of a larger group of Matrix MetalloProteinases or MMP enzymes) assists by breaking down old or damaged collagen so new proteins can take its place. While we’re young, collagen breaks down at the same rate it’s produced, but as we age, production slows while degradation increases. The net result is less new collagen and decreased existing collagen.

    Similar to collagen, elastin production is also influenced by time and elements. With age, elastin doesn’t retract as much once stretched. Like an old rubber band, it remains lax instead of snapping back, causing crow’s feet to droop along the outer eye area. Learn how you can combat this and more with these additional tips to look younger.
  2. Less Fat
    Natural aging decreases the fat within the subcutis. When fat is lost on the face, it reduces facial volume, meaning there’s less surface ratio for the skin to cover. We still have the same amount of skin, however, which causes the tissue to drape over itself and create folds or wrinkles. Gravity can also be added to the list of crow’s feet causes since weakened skin without support will simply sag downwards.
  3. Sebum Reduction
    The older we get, the slower our sebaceous glands produce sebum. Sebum is the sticky, secreted oil intended to form a protective barrier around the skin—the body’s largest organ—by retaining moisture and shielding against free radicals. Moisture is a key element to preventing crow’s feet; when skin is dry and brittle, it’s more prone to structural manipulation.
  4. Fewer GAG’s
    Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are water-binding sugar molecules within the fluid matrix found between the dermis and epidermis. They’re responsible for giving skin its plumpness by filling the space between collagen and elastin fibers, providing support and keeping them plump and upright. In addition to protein, fat, and oil, GAGs are another factor behind what causes crow’s feet and is affected by age. With less water and volume, skin eventually becomes ‘deflated’, so to speak, and more prone to causing crow’s feet.

    What causes crow’s feet, in particular, are the wrinkles due to motion and muscle movement—as opposed to the wrinkles at rest, which appear regardless of motion and are caused by intrinsic and photoaging. At a certain point, based on various factors discussed in depth below, the repeated movements eventually create deep enough wrinkles that appear even when no expression is made. With contextual knowledge as to how wrinkles form, you’ll be savvier regarding how to get rid of crow’s feet and prevent them from occurring in the first place. Some of the aging processes are inevitable, while others can be exacerbated by lifestyle choices and the environment. Let’s take a look at how to prevent crow’s feet by applying knowledge of wrinkle formation.

What Age Do You Get Crow’s Feet?

After learning about crow’s feet you may be curios about when they begin to develop. As stated in this article, these expression lines tend to develop between the ages of twenty and thirty. However, you may want to consider that the given age range is a suggestion, crow’s feet can form at any age depending on:

  • Your genetics
  • Skincare routine
  • Sun exposure
  • Treatments


If you want to delay the process of crow’s feet you may want to consider implementing a strong skincare regimen.

Some of the aging processes are inevitable, while others can be exacerbated by lifestyle choices and the environment. Let’s take a look at how to prevent crow’s feet by applying knowledge of wrinkle formation.

Image showing aging progression of skin around a woman’s eye.

How to Prevent Crow’s Feet

Intrinsic aging, otherwise known as chronological aging, is an inherent part of life. Although it can’t be avoided altogether, it can be significantly delayed now that you’re armed with the knowledge of the essential proteins, fat, sebum and sugars within the structure of the skin. Combine what you’ve learned with these tips on how to prevent crow’s feet in order to prolong the appearance of character lines.

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Follow a clean diet

One of the best things you can do for the vitality of your skin—and your overall health—is to follow a healthy diet that provides an ample amount of fat (but stick to the good kinds!). Unsaturated fats (including both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats) offer the body many benefits, including lower cholesterol levels and reduced risk of heart disease, but they also help keep your face soft and voluminous. If you’re looking for a simple solution for how to prevent crow’s feet, try to eat more foods such as:

  • Fish rich in omega-3s essential fatty acids such as salmon and other cold-water species
  • Avocados
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Extra virgin olive oil

Watch Your Sugar Intake

With respect to diet, make sure to not only incorporate good foods but to also avoid unhealthy ones—particularly sugar—to prevent crow’s feet. Excess sugar levels within the bloodstream bind to collagen, thereby rendering it dysfunctional through a process called glycation.

Sugar also generates inflammation, which releases the floodgates of those aforementioned MMP enzymes that break down protein. Limit your sugar intake wherever possible, and resist irritating and inflaming your skin by rubbing your tired eyes in the morning, for example.

Quit Smoking

If you’re still smoking, it’s time to stop. Tobacco smoke is a massive accelerant for premature aging and can force you to seek crow’s feet treatment far sooner than non-smokers. Not only does smoking (and being near second-hand smoke!) trigger the inflammation process, but it also introduces free radicals into your system which can linger for days.

Purchase Reading Glasses

Any repeated facial expression involving the skin around your eyes contributes to crow’s feet, especially squinting. As you age and begin to experience a decrease in vision, be sure to pick up a pair of reading glasses to keep your eyes wide and wear them whenever needed. Squinting at your computer screen at the office or struggling to read the text of a book at home is one of the leading crow’s feet causes, so be sure to avoid this bad habit.

Don’t Over-Wash Your Face

This might sound counterintuitive, but harsh tap water strips skin of its essential moisture, natural oils and protective lipids which help prevent crow’s feet and wrinkles—especially if the water is hot. By washing your face too often, you wash away its protective barrier. When you do cleanse within your skincare routine, be sure to use cold water and immediately follow up with a moisturizer.

Wear Sunscreen

Sunscreen is paramount when researching how to prevent crow’s feet. Unprotected sun exposure is the number one cause of premature aging. Exposure to UVA and UVB sun rays leads to an acceleration of wrinkle formation and weakening of skin vitality.

Radiation is well-known for damaging DNA and proteins due to harmful free radicals. Instead of asking yourself how to get rid of crow’s feet, start applying sunscreen on your face and wearing a minimum of SPF 30 broad-spectrum sunscreen every time you step outside. Remember that UV rays can penetrate car window glass and even the cloudiest of skies, so there’s no excuse for not applying sunscreen.

    On average, humans blink approximately 10,000 times per day; constant movement of skin around the eye area is inevitable. Expression lines usually begin to develop between the ages of 20 and 30, but learning how to prevent crow’s feet early on can significantly delay their development. To minimize your need for crow’s feet treatment, start implementing these easy tips as soon as possible—your eyes will thank you later.

    Image of woman laying on beach and applying sunscreen on her face.

    If you are unsure about where to start, you may want to consider looking at the various types of sunscreen available. As many of us know, face sunscreen and body sunscreen vary within formula and strength.

    The two main forms of sunscreen are chemical sunscreen and mineral sunscreen.

    1. Chemical sunscreen is the most common form of sunscreen we see in stores; although there are many options available and it protects your skin, something to keep in mind is chemical sunscreen may lead to harmful effects on your body and the environment since it uses strong chemical ingredients.
    2. Mineral sunscreen has been growing in popularity over the years as it is created with natural ingredients which can be beneficial for your skin and aren’t harmful to the environment. However, these can be a bit harder to find sometimes.

    When it comes to creating a skincare regimen best suited for you, it may be challenging to determine which products are necessary for your skin. Sunscreen is a product that is highly recommended for every person to utilize. Not only does it help protect your skin from the sun every single day, sunscreen helps prevent wrinkles. I’m sure you’re wondering: how does sunscreen prevent wrinkles? Well, with the correct broad-spectrum (30+), PA+++ rating, non-toxic ingredients, and applied effectively throughout the day sunscreen should prevent and delay the process of crow’s feet wrinkles, and aging.

    For my makeup gurus, sunscreen is still a priority, and to make it easier, there is SPF in makeup a lot of the time. A common fear of SPF makeup is having it smudge, sweat, or melt off. However, not every product is like that. If you build the base of your foundation correctly, your makeup shouldn’t be any more likely to come off than usual With the help of having a cleansed face, sunscreen, and SPF makeup, your skin will thank you later.

    On average, humans blink approximately 10,000 times per day; constant movement of skin around the eye area is inevitable. Expression lines usually begin to develop between the ages of 20 and 30, but learning how to prevent crow’s feet early on can significantly delay their development. To minimize your need for crow’s feet treatment, start implementing these easy tips as soon as possible—your eyes will thank you later.

    How to Fix Crow’s Feet

    If your character lines have already developed, you’re partially in luck: figuring out how to get rid of crow’s feet is generally simpler than eliminating the pronounced grooves or furrows found elsewhere on the face. A crow’s feet treatment regimen attacks the fine lines found in the skin around your eyes, which are generally shallow and easy to reach. They do deepen with age, however, so it’s best to begin your crow’s feet treatment as soon as possible. There are several different treatment options you can use to get rid of crow’s feet, from natural home remedies, to over the counter solutions like firming eye creams, to professional cosmetic procedures.

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    How to Get Rid of Crow’s Feet Using Natural Remedies


    Natural Acids

    Slather on natural alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) which are derived from fruit and great for removing the outer layer of dead skin cells on the epidermis. Shedding dead skin and revealing a younger, healthier layer of skin beneath helps reduce the appearance of crow’s feet, fine lines, and surface wrinkles. Stronger forms of AHAs may also help boost your skin’s collagen production, thereby providing additional crow’s feet treatment. There are many skincare products containing AHAs, and you can easily use them to treat crow’s feet at home.

    • Citric acid: Found in various fruits such as lemon juice, citric acid works to improve the overall texture of skin.
    • Tartaric acid: This AHA occurs naturally within grapes and bananas, and when applied topically, can smooth the skin to enhance its glow.
    • Glycolic acid: Glycolic acid is a very popular crow’s feet treatment because it’s one of the most rapid exfoliators available. It’s sourced from sugar cane, so add some honey to raw, organic sugar and apply it once a week to regenerate the texture of your skin.

      Note: As a chemical exfoliant, AHAs will make your skin more sensitive to UV exposure, so be sure to wear ample sunscreen.

    Face Masks

    AHAs used in chemical peels may be too aggressive for sensitive skin, but there are plenty of easy, natural remedies to get rid of crow’s feet that are gentler on the skin:

    • Egg whites: For centuries, egg whites have been used to tighten skin and shrink fine lines in order to treat various wrinkles. Try reducing the appearance of crow’s feet by whisking egg whites to a frothy consistency, dabbing it around the affected area, and removing it after 10 minutes with a cold, clean cotton ball.
    • Coconut oil presents itself as a miracle, cure-all beauty product (which also happens to double as a tasty cooking agent). In addition to hair and nail benefits it offers, coconut oil nourishes skin and contains linoleic acid which can reconnect broken skin tissues to treat crow’s feet. It also has wonderful emollient, hydrating properties which moisturize skin. Eyelids and the skin around your eyes are between three to five times thinner than the rest of your face, meaning fewer sebaceous glands and less oil for moisture retention. Supply the area with the extra moisture it needs with a moisturizing eye kit, or by gently massing extra virgin olive oil around the area before going to sleep each night.


    Foods for Skin

    We already stressed the importance of diet for crow’s feet prevention, but if you’re trying to figure out how to get rid of crow’s feet which have already formed, food may still be a helpful solution.

    • In addition to protecting your skin, soy may actually help improve its appearance. When taken as a supplement (versus consumed), it can heal sun damage and help your skin’s structure and firmness.
    • Cocoa is a tasty, wrinkle-reducing drink if it contains high enough levels of catechin and epicatechin. These two antioxidants helps improve oxygen circulation and blood flow to skin cells, retain moisture, and make your complexion look and feel smoother.
    • Another beverage worth your consideration is a glass of water containing a tablespoon of aloe Vera consumed; consume twice daily to receive the benefits of its antioxidant properties. Alternatively, squeeze the gel of a fresh aloe Vera leaf and apply it topically around the eyes for noticeably firmer skin and less visible crow’s feet.


    Ways to get rid of crow's feet - tips and advice to eliminate eye wrinkles

      How to Get Rid of Crow’s Feet without Botox

      If natural ingredients and home remedies aren’t cutting it, you can also learn how to get rid of crow’s feet using stronger, store-bought products before jumping to expensive cosmetic procedures. To reduce the appearance of crow’s feet more affordably than at a doctor’s office, keep your eyes open for these beauty products the next time you head to the store:

      Eye Creams with Vitamins and Minerals

      Advanced science has enabled companies to offer incredibly effective eye cream for crow’s feet treatment which are packed with vitamins and minerals. Look for labels that contain:

      • Vitamin A: Retinoid eye creams are derivatives of vitamin A, which can reduce the wrinkle depth of crevices which extend beyond the epidermis into the dermis. It also increases skin thickness, reduces pigmentation, improves texture, and helps fight acne.
      • Vitamin C: Not only does vitamin C protect against UV ray damage, but studies have shown that it can also stimulate collagen production. This vitamin is also a lightening agent, meaning it can help those who struggle with dark circles or sun spots in addition to crow’s feet. It’s important to get a product with the right type of vitamin C with anti-aging skin care properties, such as L-ascorbic acid and ascorbyl palmitate, in order to receive its full benefits.
      • Vitamin E: The evidence on the effect of vitamin E in the prevention or erasure of wrinkles is inconclusive. However, many proponents of this vitamin boast its ability to prevent and delay sun damage in addition to repairing the damage caused by free radicals. Your crow’s feet treatment will likely be tailored to your unique complexion and what works for you might not be the solution for someone else. Remember to stay patient in your endeavors while learning how to get rid of crow’s feet. Stress and lack of sleep will contribute to the cause of crow’s feet, making your problems more difficult to solve.
      • Peptides: Short chains of amino acids called peptides are often found within eye creams to treat crow’s feet for their ability to signal collagen production and assist with essential cellular activities.


      Woman applying eye cream to crow's feet

      Plump-Up Products

      To get rid of crow’s feet, you should consider products which can plump up your skin without invasive injections or fillers. The best way to do this is to search for water-binding ingredients, known as humectants, which supply your skin the hydrating boost it needs.

      Humectants act like sponges which absorb water and mimic the effect of GAGs within the dermal fluid, keeping them plump and upright. Reduce the appearance of crow’s feet and smooth out wrinkles with moisturizing, humectant ingredients such as:

      • Hyaluronic acid
      • Glycerin
      • Sorbitol
      • Propylene or Butylene glycol


      Laser Resurfacing

      Another remedy you may want to consider for crow’s feet wrinkles is laser resurfacing. This treatment requires several days for your skin to heal, but many rave about the results. This process specifically targets your crow’s feet area by intensely heating the skin to force your body to produce collagen, leaving you with a smoother appearance.

      While many people are fans of laser resurfacing, it might not be the right treatment solution for everyone. Before making a decision, you may want to consider researching the process. Speaking with your dermatologist is also usually a good idea, so they can recommend the best course of action based on your skin and your concerns.

      Treat Crow’s Feet with Colorescience

        When eye creams and serums don’t achieve the desired success for crow’s feet treatment, many begin considering cosmetic procedures using injectable fillers such as Botox. Before resorting to Botox—which is both expensive and difficult to maintain—be sure to try Colorescience Total Eye 3-in-1 cream first. With powerful clinical ingredients, this product can deliver immediate results and long-term improvement. Not only does it correct your skin and get rid of crow’s feet, but it also helps protect your delicate complexion with broad-spectrum SPF.

        There are various Colorescience eye creams to choose from, including firming, hydrating, and tinted products; there’s even some specific for crow's feet. If your goal is to use natural ingredients to delay and treat crow's feet wrinkles, you may want to try some of these eye creams. Each eye cream is intended to hydrate and moisturize the most sensitive area around your eyes.

        Colorescience crow's feet products help prevent, treat and conceal crow's feet

        Learn more about the various eye cream formulas we offer to see which is right for your needs. 

        How to Conceal Crow’s Feet

        Here’s the deal: you have learned a lot about crow’s feet, but now it’s time to learn one more trick you’ll want to have in your arsenal: how to conceal them. Concealing crow’s feet helps make them less noticeable and can boost your confidence.

        As with any kind of wrinkle, you’ll want to find a formula that isn’t going to set into the lines. To get you started on the right track, try our pairing our 3-in-1 Renewal Therapy, mineral foundation, and Even Up® Clinical Pigment Perfector® together.

        With proper skin care and safe ingredients, you’ll be set to take on crow’s feet. To get started, you’ll need a high-quality eye cream, such as the ones mentioned above, and a solid primer or serum. With the help of Colorescience you have various eye creams to pick from and an excellent multi-correction serum to help you take on your crow’s feet concerns.

        Combat Crow’s Feet & Restore Your Confidence

        Don’t let fine lines make you look older than you feel; use these tips and learn how to get rid of crow’s feet for a radiant complexion. Crow’s feet should never define you, but if you want to find ways to overcome them so you can feel confident and comfortable in your skin, look no further. Colorescience skin treatments and sunscreen are formulated with natural ingredients and the health of your skin in mind.

        If crow’s feet around your eyes are bothering you, we have solutions that can help today!